
Professional Law Firm based in Athens
The law firm PAPAIOANNOU-PAPACHARALAMPOUS-POLYCHRONIS & ASSOCIATES (P&C Law Firm), utilizing the valuable experience, know-how and professionalism of its founders, reputable lawyers with many years of experience and their partners, provides specialized and personalized legal services to its clients to support their business, financial and generally transactional activity.
Client-centered representation with Innovative solutions. Excellence in service
We provide our principals with our dedication and unremitting efforts to serve them and protect their interests.
We work tirelessly and unreservedly to remain fair to our staff and people.
The roots of P&C Law Firm go back to the late 1960s, when the law offices of Mr Evelpidos Vergis and Lambrou Papaioannou started their co-housing and collaboration. Mr. Seraphim Polychronis and Mr. Dimitrios Papaioannou continued and developed the successful professional course and the cooperation of the two law firms providing stable and uninterrupted professional action, while already in the year 2002 Mr. Diomidis Papacharalambous has been added to the team. The P&C Law Firm, which was established and received the form of a law firm in the year 2010, is the seal of the joint path of its three founders, the starting point of their effort to realize the now common professional goals and the transition to the new era regarding the exercise of their professional activity.
P&C Law Firm is based in Athens and maintains a network of partners, legal and non-legal, in several cities in Greece and abroad. It is staffed by renowned lawyers of various specialties, skills and knowledge, with notable experience both judicial and advisory, who adopt the mentality and principles of the company and are characterized for their entrepreneurial approach, flexibility, synthetic ability, innovation, practicality and their effectiveness.
The P&C Law Firm provides full legal support to both businesses and individuals and is a modern and reliable legal advisor that combines and adapts specialized legal knowledge to the practical needs of its clients, on the one hand, and provides legally sound advice promoting transparency and ethics, on the other hand.
P&C Law Firm has succeeded in building stable and strong partnerships that are primarily based on the quality and efficiency of the services it provides, the integrity and honesty with which it treats its clients, as well as the human-centered approach and mentality of lawyers and partners their.

Our Goals
We adopt an authentic and personalized approach:
One suit does not fit all. It requires flexibility, perception, adaptability and an emphasis on substance and effectiveness. Reliable legal support and the implementation of the proposed solution require a correct diagnosis, clear targeting and appropriate strategic planning.

We stand by our vision:
We strive relentlessly and non-negotiable to remain fair to our staff and people, reliable and helpful professionals to our principals, and responsible citizens in the fulfillment of corporate obligations. The focus remains on the growth of our company through the advancement and cultivation of our people with a belief in meritocracy, with persistence in developing the right mindset and with a commitment to ethics. We encourage, train and empower all our associates to demonstrate a team and collaborative spirit and at the same time seek their continuous improvement, take initiatives and have an innovative approach.
We strive, persist and encourage: Relationships with our people and our principals are based on cooperation, understanding, consistency and progress. Together with our partners, next to our principals.
Committed to the needs of our principals: We provide our principals with our dedication and unremitting efforts to serve them and protect their interests.
We support our principles and shape our mentality: Mediocrity, respect, transparency, human-centered approach.